Silent Scream

Memoire of a troubled mind

Peace and Serenity

2017. április 25. 08:57 - Count Bobbula

So, how am I doing since my last blog. Pretty good actually. Last week's therapy has been heavy as steel, but also seems to have its expected results. Therapy session was about going straight back to the accident, let all of those nasty flashbacks come and go. Pictures of bleeding guys in my former car, myself staring and screaming out loud, feeling helpless and so on. What always happens during such session (EMDR), is that I find myself in slow and painful regret and misery, but I cannot put a hand on what the actual cause is for such feelings, except for the obvious. But the obvious should also state, that the whole accident couldn't possibly be my fault, since I never had the intentions to do some hazardous crazy things on a highway resulting in death and despair.

According to the feelings after my session, there are two core reasons for my state of mind: not able to let it all go due to tremendous sensations of feeling helpless and out of control; or second: a state of self-pity. Which is quite funny, since I was never the self-pity guy who only wanted everyone to pity me, and feel sad about what I became. And right now, I'm not even sure which of the two is going on in myself. But one thing what really happened with me, is that I've learned to let go, learned to accept fate, to not look behind. Maybe this is why I'm feeling good now. Really good. 

I'm getting off medication - slowly though, but certainly getting off. This also makes me think sound and getting to know that in the end I'll survive all of this - mentally and physically. No addictions or whatsoever can make me stop in this.

These EMDR sessions are very scary. Being in a state of mind which leaves you totally out of inner control of yourself, the terror of being stroke with something you cannot comprehend by a stranger (psychologist) who you are practically only hoping she's actually knowing what's she doing. The fear of not getting out of it. It's really as if you die in a way, you start to see yourself from the outside. It's like your being is living in a fantasy world and you cannot stop the darkness folding around your person. 

After such a session I'm always grateful I can make back my way to reality. I tend to think that this could be a shortcut to the sanitarium, losing your sanity and become a pill-swallowing flower sitting in front of a window looking out to nothing in particular. But then I'm much stronger than that. I come back and start to connect the dots. It all makes sense. And afterwards, I'm so glad to have my family around me when I get back home. Makes me feel that it really is solving itself. It's all just a lesson for life. A huge kick in the face from life that I'm the one responsible for my own life.

ANIME SANA IN CORPORE SANO. It makes so much more sense now.

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