Silent Scream

Memoire of a troubled mind

Cultural (in)differences

2021. május 10. 12:07 - Count Bobbula

  Let's not start with the usual 'it's been while'. I'm anyhow talking to myself. I've decided to start writing memoires for my own self, see where I stand today, where I'll go tomorrow and wherever I'll end up in the end. My life is like a house of cards. Building carefully and getting good…

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2017. január 31. 10:38 - Count Bobbula

Introduction to a troubled mind - one even myself is not able to understand...

Eversince that fatal day in my life, surviving a severe and mortal car-accident, I've observed completely new features within my personality. One of those is painting. It started out as a keep-yourself-calm therapy and also to be merely occupied not thinking about the terrors I have experienced. I…

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